Fetal Medicine
The Department of Fetal Medicine and Fetal Therapy at Ruby Hall Clinic is one of the state’s premier centres for comprehensive prenatal services. The centre is dedicated to providing patients with the highest level of specialized consultative care throughout their pregnancies, using the most advanced technology to provide these services.
Fetal Medicine Centre at the Ruby Hall Clinic is an approved Prenatal Diagnosis Center, with the recognized ability to screen and test for maternal or fetal complications using high-resolution ultrasound (including 3D and 4D capabilities), along with diagnostic testing as needed. We provide advanced care for complicated maternal-fetal conditions and multiple gestations, preconception consultations.
The Unit provides the following services
- Ultrasound & Counselling
- 11-13 Weeks Detailed Nt Scan With Risk Calculation
- Anomaly Scan
- Wellbeing Scan: Fetal Growth
- Maternal And Fetal Doppler Study
- Fetal Echocardiography/ Fetal 2-D Echo
- Multiple Pregnancy, Rh-Negative Pregnancy: Counselling, Ultrasound &
- Interventions
- 3D/4D Imaging
- High-Risk Pregnancy Consultation
- Risk Re-assessment Scan
- (High risk on Double/ Triple/ Quadruple Marker, Soft Markers On USG )
- Pre-Pregnancy Counselling
Fetal Intervention
- Amniocentesis
- Chorionic Villous Sampling
- Fetal Reduction
- Fetal Cord Blood Sampling
- Intra-Uterine Blood Transfusion
- Fetal shunting
- Fetal pleurecentesis/ tapping